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Hollywood Boot Camp...

LA Trip 04/02/04-04/04/04: Ok, this was quite an adventure…it started out all good but ended all bad. Friday morning we headed out to LA. We got there at probably 3 and went to the hotel. That night, we went out as usual. We met hella people including one of my favorites, Riley Smith. So yeah…here’s the rundown: Riley was walking out of the parking lot and Julianna goes "who is that?" cause we couldnt tell yet and then he got closer and I grabbed her arm and said "omg, its riley" and when he got close enough to speak I asked for a pic and of course he said yes. He was like "so what are' you guys doing out here tonight?" and julianna goes "oh just seeing who we can see" and for some reason I said "and you're definately a highlight" and he was all "well thank you, i am happy to be that" EEEEEKK! so yeah...moving on came Chris Klien and Eddie Kaye Thomas...Julianna was like "yes! its finch!" cause he is a regular...and he was walking out of the parking lot and I was like "Chris Klien?" cause I couldnt tell yet and Julianna goes..."IT IS! So we got a was Lindsay Lohan (3rd time we have seen her there), she looked surprised that people recognized her...or she may have recognized us...well she was nice as always. Dave Meyers (video director) walked up next, we got pix and asked when he was gonna direct for SP and he was like "when they call me" lol. so moving on...Next was Wes (lead singer of Puddle of Mud) I was like "Wes?" and Julz again said "IT IS!" lol. so we went up to him to get a pic. Next was seeing Dan Akroyd and Taryn Manning, i got a pic with Dan thanks to Jim but I didn't get one with Taryn til she came out.Then walks up Cris Judd and Camille Guaty, we got pix with Cris thanks to Camille, she was like "they are very nice girls" when she saw us and then asked me where my shirt was (the "Support the Arts...Sleep with a Musician" one) cause she remembered from last time. lol. Then came Nicky Hilton...i couldn't help it so I struck a Hilton-esc pose with her, lmao. Then came Ryan Starr (AI1) and she was really nice, got pix with her...Then the big one of the night...Benicio Del Toro, our paparazzi friends went nuts for that one. We walked with him to the parking lot along with everyone and I tapped him and asked for a pic and he was like "yes, for the girls!" lol! it was awesome. Then...hehehehe, Matt from the Toxic video (airplane bathroom with Britney) he was chatting with Samaire Armstrong and when we realized who it was the conversation started. we had a conversation with him and properly introduced ourselves. He has our sites now too! that was good fun. Then I finally got a pic with Sean Stewart, lol! Julianna's man. After that, Taryn Manning walked out and I got a pic. She was also very nice. The last celeb of the night before we left was Tatyana Ali, she was not down to take a pic so Julz snapped one of me and her walking away. Well yeah..on a side note...we also saw Nick Lachey and Justin Jeffries but they weren't taking any pix...oh well. So yeah...moving on to the Kids Choice Awards. We walk up and somehow we end up in the Backstage area and let me tell you...we weren't complaining. We got to meet or see like 30 celebs...first up was Andre 3000...I was scared that he wasn't fan friendly but he actually turned out to be really cool, he posed for our photos and that was it, very nice. Next was Alison Stoner (shes the dancing girl in the Missy Elliott videos and she's on Mike's Super Short Show and she was in Cheaper By the Dozen), I was like "You're Alison right?" and she said yeah So I asked for a picture. She was really sweet and waaay shorter than I thought. Next was Alexa Vega, she was also really nice. Then Fred Savage. That was pretty funny. Next came the whole Spears family minus Britney. Julianna asked Jamie-Lynn for a pic and she said yes but her people said no so then I said Hi to Jamie and then we got a pic with Bryan Spears and then Julianna and I talked to Lynne Spears. Lynne remembered Julianna and I think she thought I was the other girl with her a couple years back so I just went along with! Next came Khleo Thomas (Holes), I was like "Omg, Khleo..." lol and I was the only one who got a pic...Next was Tony Hawk. I snapped a "stalker" pic and he caught me! LOL! then I got a pic with him. Next was Bow Wow. Julianna got a pic and then he started to walk away and then I was like "can i get one too" and he was like "hold on, I will be right back" but then he called me over and was like "its cool, lets do it right now." so yeah, I got my pic! He was nice too. Dennis Quaid walked up next and he took pix with us but I think he was in a hurry. Next was Farnsworth Bentley..."I was like...JULIANNA! COME HERE!" And she saw him and got kinda bopper, LMAO. I am all up in the background of the pic, lol. the best shit was that he was actually carrying an, exactly what made him famous in the first place. Then next thing ya know, some girl we were with was like "JULIANNA, COME HERE NOW!" cause Frankie Muniz was out signing. He remembered us before Julianna could even finish asking him if he remembered. lol..."oh yes...i remember!" with a fat grin on his face. Lol. He signed our pix and took pix with us. Next thing ya know, Hilary Duff is walking up and I didn't even think she would stop but she and her security were kinda skitched and stopped gladly. Her security even took the pix for Next was Avrils band and this girl we were with hella dissed them...she was about to take a pic but I went... "________, its Lacey! (Lacey Chabert) and that is like her idol or something so she was like "fuck that" and walked away from Avrils band and went to Lacey all bopper like...pretty entertaining. I even apologized to them for her, lol. Next thing ya know, we just finished with Lacey and all four of us see Jennifer Garner and I guess we freaked her out cause she was like "whoa!::waving her hands all skitchedly::" lmao. we got a group photo with her and she was really nice. Next we saw Raven and I didn't bug her, I think she was more lil kid friendly. Next was Paula Abdul, she was in a hurry but she still stopped for us so that was awesome. We were by the rail and I saw Ben McKenzie and we went up to him and asked for pix and he was also really nice. We saw Randy Jackon and he was walking in so we just asked for a pic of him so he posed. The AI3 contestants walked by and I said Good Luck to Jasmine and George. Mishca Barton was walking by and she either ignored us or didnt hear us but we took a pic of her anyways. After the show, we came back and met Anthony Anderson and Kate Beckinsale. They were both really nice and we chatted with Kate a lil bit. She is awesome, I told her that Pearl Harbor was my favorite movie ever and she was like "two cute boys in that one!" lol, her daughter was so cute too! So yeah...that wraps up the KCA so now, moving on...the motown tribute. We went for the Backstreet Boys, they pulled in and the security was like "backstreet is here, backstreet is here" and Julianna and I were standing there with our jaws dropped. lol. and i am not even a fan and we saw them afterwards, I pretended to be a backsteet bopper! it was funny as hell. I was all "BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!! BACKSTREET! HOWIE!!!!!!!!" lmao, good laughs. While we waited all day, we saw DC from Youngstown and guess what...he works security for Shrine Auditorium now...LMAO!!!!! well anyways...after, Drew Lachey walked by all casully and Ariana goes "hey...thats..." and Julianna goes "It's Drew!" so she stopped him and we all got pix...he was hella nice. Now I have met all of 98* yay!!!!! Well yeah...that wraps up the celebrity portion of the trip. We almost got left in LA and we had to stay another night cause people are too pussy bitch to drive home but thats besides the point. Julianna got put in Hollywood Boot Camp by the two other people we were with...hehehe, we fucked some shit up while we were there too...Towel in the toilet, hidden TP, spit balls, beer on the floor, ect...the drive home was interesting...can we saw rowdy...doors open on the freeway and! good times...

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